Global Adult Autism Services Map

Historically, there has been an almost complete lack of autism-related services for autistic adults, including assessment services. In the past five years, as information and awareness spreads, as more people learn they might be autistic, and as the scientific community advances its research, thankfully that’s changing.

Given all that, if you are looking for trusted, accurate assessment, autism-focused counselling or other neurodiversity-centric mental health services, you’re still more likely than not to have to shoehorn yourself into those designed for the children of the majority.

Enter the autistic community.

I created this public resource where anyone can add an assessment or counselling service they’ve found to be valuable for autistic adults. Services that have proven to have successfully identified adult women, non-binary, and trans people are indicated (specific experience in these areas is uncommon and highly valued so if you know of one add them!) Hopefully, in time, services that effectively work for other marginalized communities will emerge.

Instructions for adding services are in the legend.

As with any crowd-sourced resource, do your own research and verification. This map is intended as a jumping off point only because information for our community is scarce.

Go to the Google Map >>

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